Power of English

Dear Raphael,

Time for English lesson. Let's learn a new word 'DEFAME'

verb [T] FORMAL
to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them which are not true
taken from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Your daddy is suing for defamation of character which he claims that the remarks in this blog were highly defamatory.

Please look at the definition again in bold....
to damage the reputation of a person or group by saying or writing bad things about them which are not true

So may I ask which part is not true?

Let's put it in point form which he finds it defamatory:

The passages in their natual and ordinary meaning and were understood to mean that Mr Tay

- has coached and brainwashed his son and made his son call his mother to say hurtful words to her; that Mr Tay is devilish; and that Mr Tay has sub-normal intelligence by referring to him as an "idiot".
- is causing his son to be sarcastic to you[his mother] and to accuse you of depriving him of food; that Mr Tay is childish, has a flawed character and is despicable.
- The article as a whole describes Mr Tay s a bad and unfit father
- knew that his son had chicken pox under his care but deliberately did not inform you of the same but on the other hand would be quick to complain should his son be sick when under your care
- is extremely stupid
- had delibrately not informed you of their return from overseas so that you could not come o see your son
- has not taken good care of his son and does not know cause of his rashes and that Mr Tay is an idiot
- delibrately returned home early to cut short your access to your son and that Mr Tay is an idiot
- is stupid and behaves like a mad dog; that Mr Tay is uneducated and does not know how to conduct himself maturel; and that he is brainless
- was opportunistic and sought gratitude from you for a simpl act from him; and that he was behaving like a dog
- had brainwashed his son into not wanting to spend much time with you.
- had brainwashed and/or coerced his son into refusing to see you
- has sub-normal intelligence and is extremely stupid
- is immoral; a homosexual; is guilty of extra marital affairs and caused the breakdown of the marriage
- is physically violent; cruel; and a wife beater who has caused his wife injuries
- is a scrooge; is unable to pay his debts; a liar; and takes financial advantage of his spouse
- mistreats his son; is oppressive towards him; is guilty of immoral conduct in the presence of his son; is a bad father; and delibrately and maliciously deprives his son of access to his mother
- is conniving, deceitful and a morally reprehensible person
- is the devi and has diabolical character
- is dishonest; has brainwashed his son and is therefore oppressive towards his son; and is unfit as a father to raise his son
- is dishonest and sexually and morally reprehensible; has brainwashed his son and is therefore oppressive towards his son; and is unfit as a father to raise his son

At all material imes, your said blog was open to general access by any user of the World Wide Web and at any given time, the WWW has millions of users who have free and open access to the words and images complained of. This constitutes a very serious libel and has caused our client serious embarrassment and distress and has seriously damaged his reputation

Our client therefore requires you:
(1) to publish prominently in your blog a full and complete withdrawal and apology, in terms to be approved by us on our client's behalf;
(2) to remove all the aforesaid offending words, passages and images from your said blog;
(3) to give us your written assurance and undertaking that you will not publish these or any similar articles concerning our client;
(4) to pay to our client a reasonable sum as damages for the injury to his reputation and the embarrassment and distress caused to him and
(5) to indemnify our client in respect of the costs which he will have incurred in this matter

Wow.... he really is a fanatic reader of my blog. I am so honoured. He must be so free to really read and decipher all the meanings.... which i didn't even think of. I just wrote what i felt at that point of time, venting my frustrations to you, baby...... woah.... wow...

But this shows alot... especially point number 4 and 5 ..... and in our divorce petition he also asked me to pay maintenance and pay for his lawyer fees.. ha ha...

Shows alot about his character and what he claimed that i defame him for....

LionHeart roars at Monday, June 19, 2006 3 comments

3 hunters:

Anonymous Anonymous shoots...
Monday, June 19, 2006 8:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shoots...
Friday, June 30, 2006 3:59:00 PM  
Blogger LionHeart shoots...
Friday, June 30, 2006 4:10:00 PM  

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