
Kept on having dreams about him again. Him calling out to me again. I really miss him so much. Would love to see him, talk to him again. But yet the thought of seeing that silly family again... makes me dread. Maybe it is what they want. Especially with the silly mother trying to be funny, dancing in the house.. with the dog laughing. At her silliness... or her way of portraying that there is nothing we can do to get baby. An adult behaving that way is disgraceful.

Anyway, now i fully understand what a primary one kid says to me the last time round. I asked him, did daddy come and see you? He answered no. Cos daddy said that he hates seeing mommy that is why he chose not to come when mommy is around... and mommy is always around... so he does not get to see his dad. Sigh. Sad case... but i guess it applies to me also. I just hate seeing despicable people with their silly actions. But i guess... no choice. Some people in the world are like this. We just have to accept stupid people like this in the society.

Mother's love is unconditional. And nothing can replace that... not even the dog.

Oh yes. That idiot still has the cheek to tell his lawyer to tell my lawyer off about what we have in verbal agreement. But HELLO IDIOT, you broke your agreement. You said who file for divorce is the one who pay for the papers.... but you ask me to pay for your lawyer fees and to pay maintenance to YOU and the renovation loan. So all deal is off, idiot.

He is never a man of his words... so don't expect the weaker sex to go according to where he points. It is only his dog that will go to where he points... that is what he wants in a girl. A girl with no brains, wont argue with him on his educational level, will give in to him all the time in everything even though he is unreasonable especially in the physical sense, stay at home do household chores and wait patiently for him to come home to bed, don't ask for maintenance.

Well... these are the things i don't do. Nowadays in the 20th century... you will no longer find this kind of wife.. unless she is uneducated with low IQ level and who has the olden kind of days mentality....Nowadays, women wants a say in the renovation, decision making, respect, house, career, salary, types of car etc. Cos she can do without a man anytime. Women like these do not need a man to upkeep her. She can handle better on her own. Unless she wants kid. But nowadays with money, insemmination is simple. Less than 5K. Nobody to fight over the upbringing of the kid. Divorce no need to fight ....for the kid. Save less trouble.

Men are nothing but idiots walking around with their baby making machine.

LionHeart roars at Monday, April 03, 2006 0 comments

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